How to choose a spray gun? Read it so you don't over-pay


1. Why do I need a spray gun?

2. Device device

3. Types of paint sprayers

4. We answer common questions about the choice

5. This should be taken care of

6. 5 reasons to work with a spray gun

Do you know the joke about Vovochka, who watches as dad paints the ceiling? Mom says: - Look, son, and learn: when you grow up, you will help your dad! And the boy answers: – And he won't have finished painting himself by then?"

It is likely that the pope works with a brush or roller. But if he had chosen a spray gun, he would have coped faster, and he would have set an example for his son!

Are you also familiar with the agonizing hours of working with a roller? How often it has to be dipped in a tray of paint, which is always trying to fall off the ladder! The brush strips and leaves lint. After work, you need no less time to clean your hands, clothes, and the tool itself. And the car? Is it possible to paint it without a special device?

Avoid these troubles will help paint sprayer-a worthy replacement for brushes and rollers. This is a great companion in the repair, construction or painting of the car. It will help you quickly and effortlessly achieve the perfect coverage.

Why do I need a spray gun?

Spray gun – a device for applying paint, varnish, enamel and other liquid solutions to the surface. Thanks to the fine spray, the layer is smooth and thin with a minimum probability of smudges. In addition, with this tool, you can easily and quickly work out the relief surface, hard-to-reach places and corners. For example, you can carefully paint the inside of the battery.

Previously, it was believed that the spray gun is an expensive and highly professional tool, and the average user does not need to spend money on it. But this is not the case. First, there are inexpensive models for home use. Secondly, the device fully pays for itself. Third, it is easy to use, which is why users like it. Many of them have already forgotten what brushes and rollers are – forget it! Feel free to buy a paint sprayer for your own purposes.

In addition to painting, the spray gun is suitable for:

  • ceiling whitewash;
  • wall primer;
  • application of varnish on a wooden surface;
  • metal processing with anti-corrosion compound;
  • spraying plants from pests;
  • cleaning the walls from old wallpaper.

Best Paint Sprayer for Ceilings

It turns out that the device is useful at all stages of repair in an apartment or house, painting for walls and ceiling, at all stages of painting a car, as well as for the implementation of creative ideas. If by this point you have said to yourself: "I definitely need a spray gun!", let's understand in detail.


In shape, the spray gun is a pistol with a trigger, a handle and a container for paint. You can see all its parts in the picture.

The liquid solution is poured into a special tank, which can be located on the top, bottom and side of the sprayer. Vertical surfaces, such as walls and doors, are more convenient to paint with a gun with the lower location of the tank. The upper container is ideal for painting the ceiling and floor.

The tank can be of different volumes. For example, from 400 to 600 ml is suitable for short-term small painting works – a chair or a bench. Moreover, with such containers, the hand does not get so tired. A tank of 700 to 1000 ml is needed for painting large objects, such as a house, garage, fence. The speed of painting directly depends on the volume of the tank. In a large tank, you do not have to frequently top up the composition. You will be less likely to break away from work, so you will cope faster.

Types of paint sprayers

Have you decided to buy a spray gun? But what to choose when the range is so wide, and the prices are so different? We will help you understand the types of tools so that you can buy the right one for your ideas. After all, each of the types of sprayers is designed for a separate task in the household or professional sphere. We will divide them by the type of drive.

Best Paint Sprayer for Walls and Ceilings

The liquid solution is poured into a special tank, which can be located on the top, bottom and side of the sprayer. Vertical surfaces, such as walls and doors, are more convenient to paint with a gun with the lower location of the tank. The upper container is ideal for painting the ceiling and floor.

The tank can be of different volumes. For example, from 400 to 600 ml is suitable for short-term small painting works – a chair or a bench. Moreover, with such containers, the hand does not get so tired. A tank of 700 to 1000 ml is needed for painting large objects, such as a house, garage, fence.

The speed of painting directly depends on the volume of the tank. In a large tank, you do not have to frequently top up the composition. You will be less likely to break away from work, so you will cope faster.

Best Automotive Paint Gun For Beginners

Such a device is also called a manual spray gun. The principle of operation is simple: when you press the lever, the tank is filled with air using a plunger pump, which pushes the paint through the spray nozzle.

The device is designed to perform basic tasks, such as whitewashing walls or spraying trees in the garden. For painting, the sprayer does not have enough power, and the thick composition will clog the nozzle.

The operating pressure of the unit is only 0.4-0.6 MPa. But such a paint sprayer does not need a compressor and does not depend on the electrical network. The device is suitable for those who often work in the garden or perform rough repairs, where great neatness is not required.

Mechanical spray guns differ slightly from each other both in terms of operating parameters and price. Sprayers are simply arranged and rarely break, so they have a long service life.

What is the best airless paint sprayer

This type of sprayer is popular among professionals, as it is characterized by high quality work. The spray gun operates at the expense of a compressor with a receiver. When the trigger is pulled, air is injected and the paint is fed to the nozzle.

The nozzle turns the jet of paint into fine dust, which is shaped like a torch. Such devices can handle both liquid dispersion paints and thick materials, such as viscous wood varnish.

Pneumatic spray guns are divided into three types according to the spray technology.

HP (high pressure) – the most budget option among pneumatic spray guns. It has an outlet pressure of 1.2-1.5 atm. With this spray gun, you can paint quickly and smoothly. Another advantage is the low cost. But the low percentage of paint transfer to the surface – only 35-50% – is the main disadvantage of the device. This option is good for painting walls, floors, ceilings in household and professional repairs.

HVLP (high volume, low pressure) - the most common spray guns among painters. What is the difference from the previous type? A pressure of about 1 atm is created in the nozzle. A clear torch on the output allows you to keep the device close to the surface. Professionals love the HVLP sprayer for the high percentage of paint transfer to the surface – about 65%. However, there are also disadvantages: the spray gun requires a powerful expensive compressor and well-purified air to work, which can only be achieved in special conditions, for example, in an auto repair shop. The tool is quite versatile – suitable for painting a car, for household and professional repairs.

LVLP (low volume, low pressure) - the transfer coefficient of this type is 80%. The device is more expensive than the others, but this is justified by the fact that it has an economical material consumption. Due to the high cost of such a spray gun is popular among professionals from all kinds of fields of activity – from auto-painting to production.

Painters on the construction site, in auto repair shops, in production love pneumatic spray guns for their power, accurate painting, performance and durability – the service life is more than 10 years.

You can find a tool that costs up to 1,000 rubles, and there are models that are three or four times more expensive. But it is worth remembering that the investment will require more pneumolinium.

Best Paint Sprayer for Fence

Are you going to paint the house? Have you already called all your friends and relatives and prepared them for many hours of hard labor? Do not torment yourself or others!

The electric paint sprayer is a way out for those who are tired of back pain and arm pain, who no longer want to spend all weekend just painting. It is better to spend the remaining time on other useful things: update the garden furniture or fence.

The electric spray gun works at the expense of the engine, which creates pressure. The solution enters the nozzle and exits with a paint mist. The device is inferior in the quality of painting to a pneumatic spray gun, but it has its advantages.

First, to operate an electrical appliance, you will only need an outlet. No need to buy a compressor and make an air preparation unit. Secondly, such a sprayer is easy to use – the first time you will be able to paint any surface.

To work without smudges, you need to apply the paint evenly, try not to direct the nozzle to the same place. By the way, the nozzle can be periodically contaminated with small debris flying outside. To clean it, use a small brush, a soft brush or a special needle.

Avoid using hard objects such as wire, which can damage the nozzle. In addition, it is important to dilute the paint to the correct consistency, otherwise the power to spray dense compositions may not be enough. How to do this, it is written in the instructions for the spray gun.

Electric sprayers are widely available on the market. There are so many models that it is easy to get confused in such a variety. To make it easier for you to choose, we will tell you what principles such tools are divided into.

By design

·        Body assembly-the tank and the motor are attached to the gun, together they represent a complete design. With such a mobile spray gun, it is convenient to paint many different objects in one color at once. Do you need to cover the swing, the bench, and the gas pipe in the garden with yellow? No problem-fill the paint in the tank and get to work, moving from object to object. Only the power cord is trailing behind you.

·        Paint station-popular on construction sites where there is a lot of painting work. The design is separate: the electric motor and the pump are located on a special platform. Under this platform is a large tank-bucket, from which the paint is fed. Thus, when working in your hands, you only hold a paint gun. This is a great option for large-scale painting, for example, a large wall.

By type of food

·        Network-a paint sprayer that connects to an outlet. This is its main disadvantage: the device creates problems with movement, as the length of the wire may not be enough. And in rooms without power supply and on the street, it can only be used with the help of a generator. Among the advantages: a wide range of such spray guns allows you to choose the device of the required power. It is the network device that is most often bought for home, cottage and private repairs.

·        Battery-suitable if you do not want to suffer with the wires. It allows you to move around a large area. It is convenient for them to paint, for example, the roof of a house or a long fence. Again, there are disadvantages: the continuous operation time is usually no more than 30 minutes, and the cost is an order of magnitude higher than that of network devices. In addition, the battery type is heavier due to the built-in battery.

You just got acquainted with the types of spray guns. Despite all the variety, we hope that we helped you and put everything on the shelves. Decide what you want to buy a spray gun for, and evaluate the conditions in which you will work. Choose the sprayer wisely, and then you will see that the purchase is justified.

We answer common questions about the choice

What do you need to know about power?

In electrical devices, the performance directly depends on the power. The higher the value – the higher the productivity, the faster the painting. Such is the Anchor KE-700. Its power is 700 watts. The tool is suitable for long-term repair work, when you need to paint the walls, and the ceiling to put in order, and the paint on the battery to update. In the weaker models, the power can be as low as 100-200 Watts, as in the PATRIOT VICTORY KP-300. With this tool, you can perform decorative work: restore furniture, paint on glass, finish on a stencil.

What should be the performance?

This parameter determines the consumption of liters of paint per minute. The higher the value, the faster you will paint the surface. For the speed of work, users love the SPECIAL BPO-350. Its consumption is 0.8 l / min. With it, you can paint a 20 m2 fence in 5 minutes.

5 gph Electric Paint Spray Gun

Air or airless?

According to the type of spray, all spray guns are divided into air and airless. The first ones include mechanical and pneumatic models. But among the electric ones, both options are found.

Air has the principle of operation as in a pneumatic spray gun. Electrical devices of this type have a solenoid or turbine motor. It can be located both inside the paint sprayer, and located outside – then it is hung on the shoulder or rolled behind it, like a vacuum cleaner.

Such sprayers create an air cloud with paint. Pros-smooth high-quality coating, power adjustment to meet the needs. The main disadvantage is the noise produced by the turbine engine.

The airless electric spray gun has a piston pump. It develops pressure and feeds the paint to the nozzle, resulting in spraying on the surface. At the same time, the drops are quite large, so there may be smudges. The device works as a spray gun-pushes the paint under pressure. It lies in a thick layer, which can not be called economical. With such a spray gun, it is unlikely to achieve a perfect coating. But it will help you quickly paint large objects, such as garage doors.

Do the weight and dimensions of the spray gun affect its operation?

You won't believe it, but even with a spray gun, you can get tired. It is inconvenient to hold a massive device in your hand for a long time. Usually, the weight does not exceed 2 kg. But there are heavy machines with portable pumps, such as the Bosch PFS 5000E.

Their weight is about 5 kg. Light spray guns no more than 1.5 kg is well suited for women and will be convenient even when fine painstaking work is required. For example, when painting curly picture frames, you often have to tack with your hand. With the Wagner W100, this will be easy.

What does the nozzle diameter affect?

The spray intensity depends on it. The larger the diameter, the more solution is supplied in a certain unit of time and the more viscous substances can be sprayed. Thick paint should be diluted, making it more liquid.

Best Paint Sprayer for Interior Walls

Nozzle with a diameter of 1.3 to 1.7 mm – for enamels, lacquers, liquid paints. For primer, putty and thick paints, a nozzle from 1.8 mm and higher, like the Sturm SG9641, is suitable. Need a universal tool? Choose models with replaceable nozzles or with nozzle adjustment – this feature is available in the Wagner W 590.

What else to consider when choosing?

Are you a painter in an auto repair shop or do you do airbrushing? Or maybe you are an artist, do complex drawings? Then you will probably need a comfortable handle, which is available in the Zitrek FR 301.

There are special models with notches under the fingers for a reliable grip, like the SPECIAL BPO-300. This tool is convenient to work while standing on a stepladder, when there is a risk of dropping it. More expensive models have a smart self-cleaning system. A few minutes – and the spray gun is clean. The Wagner W 990 Flexio has such a system. And if the design is also important, you will be satisfied with the Bosch and Wagner spray guns.

Which brands are worthy of attention?

There are manufacturers on the market that specialize in painting equipment, and there are those that produce tools and devices of different categories. Let's get to know them better.

They specialize in spray guns

If you want a high-quality, modern, technological device – this is for Wagner. Professionals use the manufacturer's spray guns for any repair tasks, in auto repair shops, for complex and large-scale painting.

Do you want a device for household use? There are some of them. Most Wagner spray guns have Control Pro airless spray technology. The aerosol cloud is reduced by 55% thanks to the innovative design of the nozzle.

The "soft" torch gives a perfect result without stripes. The pump of the device is less loaded and wears out due to HEA technology, which leads to an increase in service life. And in addition, you will enjoy a 3-year warranty.

KCOM is a Belarusian brand of painting equipment. It was popular back in the Soviet era, so it is still trusted by many users. The manufacturer does not produce high-tech devices. In its assortment there are only mechanical spray guns.

These are suitable for domestic use, especially for garden work and in preparation for repairs. For example, for wetting surfaces-removing old wallpaper and washing off the ceiling. The manufacturer gives a 2-year warranty on its products.

Produce a wide range of tools

Everyone has probably heard about the Bosch brand. And for good reason. The German brand has more than 130 years of experience. The manufacturer produces tools and other equipment for professionals and amateurs. The patented ALLPaint technology for working with any paintwork and the ConstantFeed function for constant paint supply without additional adjustment are advantages that almost every Bosch paint machine has.

With these spray guns, you can achieve a smooth, high-quality coating, so they are suitable for any household work and for professional repairs. The warranty for them is 3 years.

Patriot is an American manufacturer of power tools, gardening, construction and power equipment. The company produces inexpensive household paint sprayers – up to 4500 rubles.

The Japanese company Ryobi produces high-quality power tools, machine tools, climate control equipment and much more. A large selection, high quality, many years of experience and the latest developments are the reason why users choose the brand's products.

Spray guns and paint stations are suitable for any household purposes, as well as for private construction teams. A 3-to 5-year warranty is another plus!

SPEC is a Russian brand of power tools. The assortment includes more than 100 items. There is a small line of electric spray guns. All of them have good reviews with a rating above 4 stars.

The price also pleases-you can buy the device up to 3000 rubles. The devices are not suitable for professional use, but for household purposes-just right.

The Russian company Kalibr produces affordable tools. For the ratio of price and quality, they are loved by users. Spray guns of this brand are inexpensive devices for home use.

Sturm brand products are manufactured in China. A wide range, great experience-thanks to this, customers often pay attention to the brand. Electric spray guns and are inexpensive and adequately cope with any household tasks.

Produce pneumatic tools and power equipment

Foxweld is an Italian brand that specializes in pneumatic tools, power equipment, and construction equipment. All products on our website have high customer ratings, including spray guns. The devices are suitable for priming and painting cars, so they are used in car repair shops.

The manufacturer HUBERTH also has a range of mainly pneumatic tools. Professional devices of high quality are suitable for complex work that requires accuracy, for example, for applying airbrushing on the car body.

It's worth taking care of

Have you chosen a spray gun? Great! But do not forget about the important details.

Equipment: Special clothing will help prevent harmful fumes from entering the skin and mucous membranes. A suit will keep your clothes clean, glasses will protect your eyes, a respirator will protect your airways, and gloves will protect your hands.

Best Automotive Paint Gun

Care: The long service life of the spray gun depends not only on the manufacturer but also on you. Clean it immediately after use with solvent or water. To do this, pour the liquid into the tank and spray it. Then dry the device well.

Storage and carrying: You may need a spray gun on different objects? Are you going to often take the device to the country? Then a drawer is needed for the sprayer. The tool will be convenient to store and carry.

Equipment: Additional accessories can be added to the sprayers in the kit. For example, heavy devices often come with a carrying strap. Many manufacturers put a measuring cup for dosing and determining the viscosity of paint, needles, or even whole sets for cleaning nozzles, nozzles and tips for different paint coatings and spray types.

Spare materials: Tanks, nozzles, valves, springs – these are consumables. For your convenience, many manufacturers complete their spray guns. If you choose a machine with a set of spare parts, you will not have to buy them separately when the need arises. After all, one small burst spring can destroy the plans for painting! Therefore, it is better to take care of consumables in advance.

5 reasons to work with a spray gun

If you still have doubts that the spray gun is an indispensable thing. If you are often faced with gardening, construction or repair work. If you are engaged in a hobby or design. Then our arguments will convince you that with a paint sprayer, any task will be easier!

1.     This is fast. In a matter of minutes, you can paint something that used to take several hours. The window frame will take no more than two or three minutes, and the walls of the room with a total area of 10 m2 can be painted in half an hour.

2.     This is economical. How much paint dries in the tray while you roll the roller on the walls? And how much remains on the brush or flows from it to the floor? With a spray gun, all the material will go to work, that is, to the surface!

3.     This is high-quality. Spraying creates a smooth coating without lint and smudges. The quality of painting furniture or cars can not be distinguished from factory painting. This is almost impossible to achieve with a brush or roller.

4.     It's easy. Since the work takes less time, you are less tired. Just point the gun, pull the trigger, and smoothly guide the spray gun along the surface. Minimum physical effort – maximum pleasure from the result.

5.     It's cheaper than you think. How much money have you already spent on the rollers? For 10 rollers and 5 brushes, you can pay about 2500 rubles. It is better to buy a spray gun with this money. Unlike manual devices, you will not throw it away after painting, and it will serve for many years.


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