Correct painting of the ceiling with water-based paint: roller, spray gun
Painting the walls and ceiling is a very time-consuming process, especially when everything is done manually with a roller or brush. If you want to get a better coating with minimal loss of time for painting the surface, then you need a paint sprayer. But even painting the ceiling with a manual spray gun has its own features that need to be taken into account when working.
Pros and cons of using a spray gun for painting the ceiling
With the advent of spray guns, the process of painting ceilings has become much more productive and better. But, as in any business, there are advantages and disadvantages.
The main advantages of using a spray gun:
· Excessive consumption of water-based paint is prevented.
· It turns out a thin and uniform coating layer without streaks and streaks.
· The speed of painting the ceiling increases.
· Areas of the ceiling surface that are difficult to reach with a roller or brush are painted.
· It becomes possible to apply the coating easily and without problems, even without having special experience.
The main disadvantages of using a spray gun:
· The high price of the equipment is relative to other methods of painting the surface (with a roller or brush). But you should clearly understand that the cost of the tool is fully compensated by the productivity of the work leading to the speedy completion of the repair.
· The possibility of getting into the eyes and respiratory tract of small paint particles that are sprayed into the environment. This can be prevented with the help of special glasses and a respirator.
To get started, you first need to decide on a suitable model of a manual sprayer, find out their technical and functional capabilities.
Types of manual spray guns
To date, there are 4 main types of paint sprayers that work with different surfaces.
Electric Hand Spray Gun
This type of spray gun is very convenient and easy to operate. It does not require any additional elements for its operation, it just needs access to the power grid. A paint sprayer with a power of up to 500 W will be enough to cope with your ceiling.
The principle of operation is that the engine pumps air into the paint tank, from where the working fluid is fed through a tube into the nozzle and sprayed onto the surface.
In turn, electric paint sprayers are divided into several types:
1. Plunger pumps. They are models that work on the principle of a vibrating pump, pushing out paint with a high frequency. Such a spray gun is intended most often for non-responsible paint jobs, since the coating is applied of lower quality in comparison with other types.
2. Compressor type with a remote engine. As a rule, such spray guns have a large capacity, are designed for processing large areas.
3. Electric roller. With the help of a motor that constantly supplies paint to the roller, you can work without leaving the work surface, which increases your speed.
4. With a built-in compressor. A special feature of its operation is the constant supply of air from the compressor, which ensures uniform spraying of the paint. The quality of the coating is better than in plunger sprayers and can be used for finishing the surface.
Pneumatic manual spray gun
Pneumatic spray guns provide for the presence of a compressor used as a power source. Tanks and pistols for this type of device are often made of aluminum. This type is the only one that requires the tank to match the air volume and pressure.
For a pneumatic sprayer, there is a special marking:
1. HP – for work with an increased pressure of 5-6 atm., as well as a reduced air flow. This type of budget tools is not suitable for working with lacquers and enamels. The sprayer paints quickly, but the quality sometimes wants the best.
2. HVLP-operates at high air flow and low pressure. The tool is characterized by high quality of painting, it is combined with different basic types of paint. Performs its task better and consumes material more economically, but requires an expensive compressor with high power.
3. LVLP-used at low pressure up to 1.5 atm., a small volume of air. It is suitable for dry and liquid compositions, as well as all types of paint and varnish materials. This is the most expensive version of the spray gun, when using it, good skills of a painter are required.
Battery-powered manual spray gun
Such spray guns are convenient to use for painting the ceiling of a small area, since they have low power and constantly require charge monitoring. Due to the lack of electric power cords and a separate compressor, this paint sprayer can be used in the most inaccessible places.
Mechanical Manual Spray Gun
This type of spray gun works with a manual drive. The paint material is supplied by a forced method using a pump. It is advisable to use mechanical spray guns in areas that do not require high surface quality. As a rule, this type of device is used for painting the premises for economic purposes.
Regardless of the types of hand-held spray guns presented, they all have the following elements:
· tank for paint liquid;
· spray gun;
· the power supply system that ensures the operation of the tool.
As a rule, there is a screw on the back of the gun that regulates the flow of air mass and paint. A spot of paint that forms on the surface of the ceiling is called a torch.
Before starting painting with a manual spray gun, it is also adjusted.
A wide torch is used for coating large areas, and a narrow one is recommended for more thorough painting of the first layer.
Which spray gun is better for painting the ceiling
After analyzing the above information, you need to decide for what purposes you need a spray gun.
Is this for your repair and subsequent use no more than once a year (local painting)? Or are you engaged in professional repairs, for which you need a tool for every day? In this article, we will help you to understand and choose a spray gun for the first option.
What you need to pay attention to when choosing a paint sprayer for painting the ceiling:
1. The paint tank. The location of the tank depends on the model of the spray gun, it can be either from above or from below. Since you choose a spray gun for painting the ceiling, for the sake of convenience, it is not advisable to use a tool with an upper location of the container for the spray material.
2. Case material. Give your preference to manual spray guns made of aluminum, if possible, additionally coated with an anti-corrosion coating. This will significantly increase the performance characteristics in comparison with plastic housings.
3. Nozzle parameters. The optimal diameter of the nozzle opening is considered to be 1.3-1.5 mm. With such dimensions, you can easily work when painting the ceiling with the main types of paints. At the same time, get a high-quality and uniform coating.
4. Operating pressure. For an uninterrupted supply of liquid, the operating pressure must be at least 8 bar.
These are the main recommendations that you need to pay attention to before buying a manual spray gun.
How to properly paint the ceiling with a manual spray gun
Painting the ceiling with a spray gun, as well as with a roller, can be divided into two main stages:
· Preparatory.
· Paint shop.
Preparation for work
First of all, you need to take out all the furniture from the room where the repair will take place.
What cannot be moved to another room, be sure to cover with plastic wrap and secure it with construction paper tape.
If you do not plan to repair adjacent surfaces (walls), it is also recommended to cover them with a film to avoid getting paint from a manual paint sprayer.
Advice! Before painting, the ceiling must be primed at least 2 times so that the applied coating does not peel off in the future.
The next stage of preparation for painting the ceiling with a manual spray gun begins with the preparation of paint.
Correct painting of the ceiling with water-based paint: roller, spray gun Mixing of water-based paint with the addition of color
To do this, you need a small container for 2-4 liters, where you will knead the composition. Add the right amount of water to the water-based paint (according to the instructions on the paint bucket). It is desirable to mix with a mixer or a whisk for a drill.
This will make it possible to get a good homogeneous mixture without any dry paint particles, the ingress of which into the nozzle of the gun can negatively affect its operation.
Also, to avoid clogging the nozzle, it is advisable to filter the prepared paint through a fine-grained mesh to cut off particles that have not been stirred with a mixer.
Adding the color of the desired shade will allow you to get the color of the coating that you want. Perform the process in small doses.
Advice! When adding color to the mixture, it is necessary to mix it with a mixer or a whisk without allowing streaks.
Painting the ceiling with a manual spray gun
After you have prepared the room and mixed the water-based paint, you can easily start painting the ceiling with a spray gun. To do this, you also need personal protective equipment, namely glasses and a respirator to protect your eyes and respiratory tract.
Correct movement of the hand spray gun
Article on the topic: "Painting the ceiling from drywall with your own hands"
By painting the ceiling with a paint sprayer, you can get a better coating than when using a roller. But for this you need to follow the correct paint application technology:
1. Before refilling the gun, make sure that the paint tank is clean and dry.
2. When applying the coating to the ceiling, the nozzle must be held perpendicular to the surface.
3. The distance from the ceiling to the nozzle should be within 15-20 cm.
4. The optimal application speed is 4-6 seconds per 1 linear meter.
5. The movements should be smooth and even, without any zigzags and strictly parallel to the ceiling.
6. The optimal number of coatings is 2-3 layers.
7. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried, otherwise it may peel off in the future.
8. The optimal time for coating is in the morning or evening, since the light falls at a special angle, which allows you to see the shortcomings of painting.
9. After use, it is important to thoroughly rinse and dry the tool.
10. Optimal nozzle distance from the ceiling surface
Compressor for painting walls and ceilings: how to paint the ceiling with a spray gun
The final stage in the repair of the ceiling surface is its painting.
If you perform painting work using a conventional roller and brush, the process will differ not only in labor intensity, but also in spending more time than using a spray gun.
To perform the work efficiently, you need to choose the right compressor for painting walls and ceilings, get acquainted with the main points of its work, the varieties and subtleties of application to the treated surface.
What is the best way to paint the ceiling-with a roller or a spray gun
In contrast to the use of a foam roller, painting the ceiling surface with a spray gun has a number of positive aspects, including:
1. High degree of performance. If we compare the duration of painting with a spray gun and a brush (roller), then aerosol painting wins several times. In addition, thanks to the use of a spray gun, it is possible to process a large ceiling area.
2. The layer is smooth and thin. Due to the uniformity of the paint application, the drying time of the plane is reduced significantly. In the case of the formation of hanging drops on the ceiling, it is enough just to carefully remove them with a sponge.
3. High-quality painting of hard-to-reach places and relief surfaces. Due to a purposeful jet of air, the coloring composition is delivered to specific places, corners, stucco-and all without any special difficulties.
4. The room practically remains clean. Thanks to the ability to control the spray of the paint composition, the floor and walls are not polluted.
5. Streaks and streaks on the painted surface are excluded. This is achieved by not touching the tool to the ceiling. The paint is under the influence of only the surface tension force.
6. Versatility of using the sprayer. The paint gun is characterized by the ability to apply not only water-based paint, but also putty, varnish to the surface.
7. Economical consumption of paint composition. Given that when using a brush, a roller, a large amount of paint is consumed, it is possible to save both materials and time for work with the help of a sprayer.
Despite the whole list of advantages, aerosol painting has its own disadvantage – the price. The device costs several times more than a conventional roller. Also, when working with it, experience is required, but it is quite possible to acquire it after several times using the spray gun.
Important! In one hour of operation, you can paint 200-400 m2 with a spray gun, it all depends on the model and type of device.
Types of spray guns for the ceiling
There is a fairly wide range of paint sprayers on the market. This type of device is divided into several varieties according to the type of drive. There are devices of pneumatic, electric and mechanical types. Classification is also carried out according to the method of spraying the paint composition: air and airless.
These two devices are based on electric models. But pneumatic type sprayers, except for air, can be based on a combined and electrostatic device.
Most often, an airless sprayer is used to paint the ceiling surface, which is able to apply a thicker composition in consistency.
Electric spray gun for the ceiling
If we compare the result with the mirror shine after pneumatics, the coating turns out to be less even. But for household work, in particular, for painting the house, fence, opening furniture with varnish is quite suitable. Such devices are available with an air spray system or an airless (plunger), their difference also lies in the degree of performance.
For painting the ceiling with water-based paint, the optimal solution is an electric spray gun powered by a 220 Volt network. Even a novice master can work with this device.
To bring the sprayer into working condition, it is not necessary to use additional equipment, which is necessary when operating a pneumatic type device.
Among the various modifications of the electric apparatus, the airless spray gun is particularly popular.
Pneumatic spray gun for ceiling whitewashing
To perform painting work on a professional basis, it is better to choose pneumatic-type devices, the advantage of which is the ability to work with any compositions.
Most often, such devices differ in the principle of operation from compressed air. There are devices on the market with a different location of the tank (feed), it can be either from below or from above.
When choosing a paint sprayer, you should take into account the type of surface that will be treated.
Advice! If you need to paint the ceiling with a small area, it is more expedient to use a manual battery spray gun, characterized by low power and the absence of electric power cords, a compressor.
Which device is better for painting walls and ceilings
To correctly determine the spray gun, it is necessary to take into account the following points:
1. Case material. Aluminum devices have proven themselves best of all. The nickel coating protects the body of the device from corrosion changes. If you buy a plastic sprayer, then you should not count on a long period of its operation, although its advantage is a relatively small weight.
2. Holes on the lid. It is more expedient to choose devices whose holes are also made of aluminum. Suitable options are made of stainless steel and brass. In addition, you should pay attention to the quality of the gaskets. They must be made of Teflon. If the gaskets are of poor quality, they will not be able to resist the solvent, which is one of the components of paint, varnish.
3. The location of the feed. If you need to paint the ceiling surface, it is more rational to purchase paint guns, in which the paint tank is located at the bottom.
4. The size of the nozzle. It is optimal if the nozzle diameter is 1.3-1.5 mm. Such parameters allow you to use the main types of paints for work without any difficulties, the coating is distinguished by high quality and uniformity of application.
The material of the tank. For ease of operation, it is good to choose a nylon tank, which, thanks to transparency, makes it possible to monitor the level of paint consumption. But it is easier to clean metal tanks.
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