Spray painting: Choosing a spray gun for painting


Paint Sprayer Information

Residents have questions about repairs. This event is connected with painting works. Which tool will be the easiest to apply a layer of paint and varnish layer to the surface will determine the quality of the process itself.

The technology of transferring the dye to the walls, ceiling, floor and other fences is quite different:

·        a brush is used to paint relatively small areas or where it is impossible to carefully paint the product, for example, windows or doors;

·        the roller is used where significant surfaces are to be treated;

·        maklovitsa is not much different from a brush, but with its help, labor productivity increases significantly;

·        the spray gun for painting walls and ceilings allows you to paint large areas with excellent quality

Advantages of working with a spray gun

To feel the superiority of painting walls and ceilings with a spray gun, it is enough to use this device at least once. In the future, the desire to use other techniques for coloring will become minimal.

Users note the advantages and disadvantages of using spray guns. Most agree:

·        even the simplest spray gun from a low price category allows you to achieve staining results that are not inferior to those available only to professional painters with other tools for applying the paint layer;

·        the paint gun from the compressor allows you to apply layers of different thicknesses, covering a significant area;

·        when performing the work, you can see how evenly and densely the surface is coated with a paint composition.

Among the disadvantages, the following are usually distinguished:

·        the need to wash the spray gun after each use (the brush or roller is often simply thrown away due to the low cost of their purchase), you need to use the appropriate solvent;

·        good and reliable spray guns work with a compressor, which also needs to be purchased or rented.

Attention! The high performance of applying the coloring agent should not inspire you with the idea: paint everything at once. You should not return to the same place repeatedly. It is necessary to wait for the drying (polymerization) of the paint, and only then apply a new layer.

Otherwise, there will be a leak, the quality will become extremely unsatisfactory.

If the paint layer is not completely dried and the next layer is applied, the effect of wrinkles may occur, when each subsequent layer dries faster than the previous one and, accordingly, creates a different surface tension.

How to choose a spray gun for your home

Before choosing, you need to determine how often a fairly expensive tool will be used in the household. Along the way, you should ask yourself the following questions: "What will I paint? What colors will I use? How long am I going to carry out repair and paint work"?

By answering yourself, you can choose a tool for yourself. Some home craftsmen can look at what their friends have. While staying with them, you can choose a spray gun for painting in your house by using a trial coloring of any site.

Some retail outlets allow you to make real tests of spray guns.

1.     The buyer fills the tank with water instead of paint.

2.     A surface is provided on which a trial "coloring"can be performed.

3.     Modeling the process in this way with different devices, the buyer has the opportunity to solve the question: "How to choose a spray gun for the house"?

4.     During the tests, you should carefully observe how the coloring torch was formed, and how evenly the surface is covered.

Attention! Performing tests of the spray gun, you should evaluate how convenient it is to hold it at arm's length. If you feel a significant weight, it is advisable to choose something less heavy. You need to remember that you need to paint quite large areas. With a heavy tool, your hands will quickly get tired.


Types of spray guns

The paint can be supplied in several ways:

·        by manually pumping air into the chamber, the simplest devices for painting (spray guns);

·        with the help of a built-in diaphragm-type pump, such devices do not differ in the high quality of applying the coloring composition. The main advantage is the low cost;

·        with the help of the air flow coming out through the nozzle. The principle of operation was called: "Pneumatic". It is this method that allows you to achieve high-quality painting of walls and ceilings.

Pneumatic tools are used only with a compressor. Some manufacturers sell spray guns with a built-in or supplied compressor. For other models, you will have to purchase a compressor separately.

Manual spray guns

Such devices work from the simplest injection of air into the chamber. The user periodically pulls the trigger. When the pressure increases above the critical level, the valve opens slightly, and the paint is ejected through the slightly opened nozzle. Sometimes they are called spray guns for painting walls.

The price of the spray gun is minimal – the main advantage of such a device.

If you adjust the nozzle opening pressure, you get a good spray quality.

The main drawback is the need for constant pumping of air into the chamber. A person gets tired quite quickly

Electric spray guns

When it is necessary to perform a refreshing repair in the room, then specify which spray gun to choose for painting the house. Small electric spray guns are purchased only for a single repair.

In them, the diaphragm pump is not very reliable. When working, it heats up noticeably, as it works due to the built-in electromagnet.

But, as practice shows, such devices allow you to paint ceilings and walls.

Pay attention

When using diaphragm-acting sprayers, it is necessary to reduce the viscosity of the paint composition by adding a solvent. The drying rate decreases, the cost of purchasing solvent components increases.

Experienced users note that such a tool must be thoroughly washed from the paint and dried after each application. It is also recommended to disassemble and purge the nozzle. When the question arises, how to choose an electric spray gun for home use, pay attention to the expediency of purchasing a device with a metal nozzle.

If necessary, the tool is always easy to activate: it is enough to pour the paint into the tank. It is immediately ready for use.

Such a spray gun can be selected and recommended for minor repairs. It is often used as an auxiliary tool that is easy to take out of the city – it has a small size

Pneumatic spray guns

When air is supplied under pressure, paint enters the nozzle from the container, while it is broken into the smallest drops. A cloud is created (a mixture of air and suspended liquid particles), through the nozzle it is directed to the surface to be painted. Pneumatic spray guns are divided depending on the pressure used and the formed flow volume (Table).

Operating pressure

The better the performance of the spray gun, the more expensive they are sold. Therefore, for professional use, pistols with low pressure and low flow volume (LVLP) are most often recommended, they allow achieving the best results, since the distance from the working body to the painted surface is minimal.

If high performance is not important, then you can opt for spray guns with the technology: "High volume and Low pressure (HVLP)". The price for them is significantly lower, for a home master, a similar choice of a spray gun for ceilings and walls of the house should be recommended. At the same time, they are distinguished by the economical consumption of coloring compositions in comparison with the HP technology.

Many novice craftsmen choose devices with high pressure (HP). They have an attractive price. It is easier to select the viscosity of the paint. At high pressure, even quite viscous coloring compositions allow you to get a good result.

The disadvantage of this technology is the increased consumption and loss of paint.

The material for the gun and the location of the tank

Plastic pistols are characterized by a small mass. Through the plastic, you can see the amount of paint inside the tank. Professionals opt for metal tanks. In addition to the quality of the paint, strength indicators are important. For home craftsmen working with water-based paint, plastic tanks are best suited.

Structurally, spray guns are made with an upper or lower arrangement of tanks. There is no fundamental difference. However, when painting the ceiling, the lower tank will allow you to place the tool closer to the surface to be painted.

Spray guns with a lower tank can be placed on it, and with an upper one-you have to look for a way to hang or mount on an auxiliary device.

Nozzle Designs

The most important element in devices for spraying paint and varnish compositions is the nozzle. Spray guns for amateurs are equipped with monolithic nozzles.

Practice shows that most of the work can be done quite well without changing the size of the nozzle. Professionals tend to purchase pistols with replaceable nozzles.

By combining the size of the hole depending on the viscosity of the paint, they can achieve excellent quality, simultaneously optimizing the consumption of the coloring composition.

It can be seen that many different indicators characterize the devices for applying paints. Everyone can determine how to choose a spray gun for the house. Most will stop at simple and inexpensive spray guns.

·        If there is a desire to turn the work of painting walls and ceilings into a profession, then as you acquire skills, you will have to buy a more expensive price category.

·        The attached video shows the process


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