Painting the ceiling with a spray gun
Modern finishing panels and films for the ceiling are not always completely environmentally friendly and over time they are impregnated with a sufficiently large amount of vapors, not always a pleasant aroma, clogged with dust.
In addition, they are installed on a frame, which significantly reduces the space in the room, and the cost is several orders of magnitude higher than traditional painting or whitewashing.
Therefore, you should not abandon the classic version of the ceiling finish, which consists of only three stages – plaster, putty and painting. High-quality work done in this way is durable, always in fashion and does not catch the eye.
However, painting work performed with a roller or brush is quite a time-consuming procedure. It takes a lot of time and effort. The way out of the situation may be a faster method of finishing — painting the ceiling with a spray gun.
Choosing the type of spray gun
Uniform application of paint to the surface can be applied with any type of spray gun. The difference between them is in the design of the unit, the principle of operation, performance, the distance from which the coloring compound is sprayed and, of course, in the price. These tools differ in the way they are managed.
They treat small areas of the plane with liquid solutions consisting of a coloring substance, chalk and water. The device consists of:
· suction and discharge valves;
· pressure hose;
· fishing rods;
· hoses with a suction filter;
· covers;
· the pump.
The pump with a piston system is located in a cylinder-shaped housing. The fishing rod can be lengthened or shortened with the help of composite elements.
The main parts of the device have anti-corrosion characteristics and increased wear resistance. The piston manual spray gun for the walls and ceiling operates on the principle of sucking liquid from the container and then spraying it on the surface.
The liquid is absorbed by a sleeve with a built-in filter when the stem handle is open. The rod, returning back, closes the valve and squeezes the liquid mass into the cylinder. Then it is transferred to the sprayer by the fishing rod at an increased pressure. At the end of the work, all parts of the tool are cleaned and washed.
Pneumatic units
The tool consists of:
· metal housing;
· the gun;
· trigger trigger;
· paint filling tank;
· pressure regulator;
· the hose.
They are connected to a compressor, from which compressed air enters the tank through a hose and saturates the paint material. The liquid solution enriched with air moves to the paint sprayer, and then it is sprayed on the ceiling in an even layer.
The tool is made with an upper and lower location of the tank. Liquid paint enters the sprayer from the upper tank by gravity, and from the lower one by creating a vacuum.
Important! It is more convenient to paint the ceiling with a spray gun with the upper location of the tank, and the walls with the lower tank.
The pressure, the amount of paint entering the nozzle and the shape of the paint torch can be adjusted by special elements installed on the handle of the gun. With the help of such a pneumatic device, a uniform layer is applied mainly on a surface with a small area.
Electric tool
An electric spray gun for painting the ceiling is a device that has the highest productivity and uniformity of applying finishing layers. With this tool, you can create glossy and uniform surfaces. Electric spray guns are produced in two types: plunger and pneumatic.
For painting the ceiling, it is preferable to use a pneumatic model equipped with a small compressor. The compressor pumps air into the paint cylinder and breaks it into small particles, which are sprayed over the surface in a uniform layer.
In a plunger-type spray gun, the paint, passing under pressure through a nozzle of a special design, does not mix with air and therefore has larger particles.
Each type of spray gun has certain restrictions on the viscosity of the coloring composition and is used for different types of paint.
Types of paint for painting the ceiling with a spray gun
You can paint the ceiling with paints made on a different basis, the choice of which is influenced by the level of humidity in the room being repaired and the presence of chemical-aggressive vapors.
Water-dispersion paints based on acrylic or latex
Painting the ceiling with a spray gun
The composition of acrylic paint includes:
· polyacrylate polymers,
· film-forming substances( copolymers),
· water,
· various fillers
· additives.
The paint applied to the surface forms a strong elastic film. The material has high adhesion, dries quickly, is not afraid of moisture, sunlight and temperature changes. Eco-friendly paints produced in a wide range of colors are suitable for decorating the ceiling of a bedroom, living room or children's room.
If acrylic paint forms a matte film when applied, then with the help of latex, you can create a silky-glossy surface. Water-dispersion paints are easily applied to the painted plane with an electric tool with a good nozzle and a directional torch.
Silicate paints
They are produced in a package of two versions. In an iron container — a concentrated solution of liquid potash glass, in paper bags-a dry mixture of mineral pigments and fillers resistant to the effects of alkalis. Mix the ingredients immediately before applying to the ceiling. First, the potash glass is diluted with water, and then the pigment part is introduced. Surfaces painted with silicate paint have:
· high hydrophobicity;
· vapor permeability;
· resistant to high temperatures;
· biological impact;
· fire resistance.
This paint is used to decorate the ceilings of bathrooms, kitchens and corridors. Since it has increased transparency, it is applied with a spray gun in two layers.
Silicone paints
They are composed of organosilicon resins diluted with water. The paint repels water, tolerates temperature changes well, hides small cracks, roughness of the ceiling, has high adhesion and self-cleaning effect.
There is no fungus and mold on it. The paint is used as a base for tinting. Various shades of the suspension are given by the introduction of special colors. For the application of silicone paint and varnish materials, you can use any spray guns.
Preparation for painting and working with a spray gun
Before you paint the ceiling with a spray gun, you need to take all the furniture out of the room, cover the floor and walls with plastic wrap, fixing it with masking tape.
Remove the existing decorative coating from the ceiling plane, clean it from dirt and dust. Then align the visible defects, potholes and sinks with gypsum plaster or putty, seal up large cracks.
After that, you need to cover the entire ceiling surface with a primer for better adhesion and allow it to dry well before painting. During this time, you can prepare the paint. It should not be too thick, and therefore, if necessary, water or a special solvent is added to it, depending on its type, and thoroughly mixed. To clean the paint from lumps, clots and foreign impurities that can clog the holes in the nozzle, its diluted composition should be filtered through a dense cloth.
The process of painting the ceiling
You should wear protective clothing, glasses, a respirator or a gauze bandage. Before painting the ceiling with a spray gun, it is necessary to adjust the hole through which the coloring compound is fed to the optimal size. This will allow you to apply a thinner layer with the tool.
In order to determine the desired length of the "torch" for high-quality spraying, a trial painting is carried out. Normally, the length of the "torch" is 75-100 cm. You need to start applying the paint coating from the corners of the room, gradually moving to the middle.
The sprayer should be kept strictly perpendicular to the ceiling surface. The hand movements during coloring are circular, uniform and unhurried, performed at a constant pace. The paint should be laid in strips, while the subsequent strip should slightly overlap the previous one.
The resulting errors are hidden by the second layer of the coloring composition, applying it immediately after the first layer has dried. If drops have formed on the surface, then they can be collected with a sponge and applied another layer of paint.
For the record. You need to know that too much layer thickness in the future can lead to peeling of the paint from the ceiling. Then you will need to skin these places, primed and painted again.
If you use spray guns when painting the ceiling, the surface turns out to be absolutely uniform, without dark stripes, blurring and traces of layer transition. In addition, the staining occurs quite quickly.
The main essence of the article
· Painting the ceiling with a spray gun saves time and effort.
· There are no stains, streaks and streaks on the ceiling.
· For effective coloring, it is necessary to choose the right spray gun, paint and prepare the ceiling surface qualitatively.
· Be sure to take precautions when using protective equipment.
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